With the move to modular off-site building techniques over recent years, S&P Coil Products Limited (SPC) has developed their range of ThermaTile Plus Radiant Panels to allow for in-built services such are lights, sensors, sprinklers etc. These services can be either pre-installed or the panels can be pre-drilled ready for installation on-site.

Warwick Taylor, Sales Director at SPC says: “We have reacted to contractors requests as more projects adopt prefabricated modular building techniques. SPC’s radiant panels can accommodate almost any service type usually associated with ceiling mounting, leading to reduced installation times and costs”.

SPC are one of the first UK radiant panel manufacturers who have supplied integrated services in their radiant panels. The first two installations were in the Waterhouse Restaurant in Hoxton and Abford House, London.

All ThermaTile Plus radiant panels with or without integrated services are tested and accredited to EN14037 the European standard for measuring outputs of radiant panels. Testing of radiant panels to this standard is being pushed by the Association of European Manufacture of Ceiling Panels Group (EMCP) which consists of the major radiant panel manufacturers in the UK. 
