JS Humidifiers is launching the Condair FF2 high pressure spray humidifier, capable of delivering up to 1,080kg/h of moisture to a duct or air handling unit. The Condair FF2 is ideal for AHUs that have multiple humidification and adiabatic cooling elements as a single pump station can feed nozzles grids in up to four different ducts.

Even at maximum output, the low energy humidifier will only consume 3.2kW of power while delivering a potential 745kW of adiabatic cooling.

The Condair FF2 consists of a high pressure pump station that feeds water to a grid of atomising nozzles located inside a duct that are spraying towards a droplet eliminator.

The airstream absorbs the mist after about 0.8m to 1.3m with the remaining droplets being removed from the airstream by an evaporative matrix. As water flows down this particle free matrix it is absorbed by the air passing through, thus increasing humidification efficiency and reducing waste water.

As the pump station can feed nozzle grids in multiple ducts, the Condair FF2 can humidify incoming fresh air whilst also feeding a nozzle grid that is cooling exhaust air.
