New from LG Air Conditioning is the AC Smart central controller which can handle up to 64 indoor air conditioning units – it can monitor and control each and every unit individually.
LG’s AC Smart controller can set the mode of heating or cooling, temperature, fan speed and even check for faults.
A major feature of this unit is the potential energy savings; it includes a scheduling system which facilitates units on/off or to a different setting at differing times of the day. Air conditioning units in a designated area can be allocated into a group or groups and completely controlled. For example: the daily settings of one area can be timed for change at 5.00pm – on the same floor another group, which is still working, can have theirs changed at whatever time they finish work or the activity. Both groups could have a second off time at 8.00 pm to ensure that any units switched on by people working overtime are off for the night.
The AC Smart also allows users to lock an area or floor or even allow local adjustment.
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