Tour & Andersson has launched the TBV-CMP, a pressure independent balancing and control valve for small terminal units in waterborne HVAC systems.

Extending the range of Terminal Balancing Valves (TBVs), the TBV-CMP is a pressure independent balancing and control valve that maintains the differential pressure over the valve at a constant rate, allowing professional hydronic balancing and efficient operation of small terminal units, thereby maintaining design conditions. 

For use in systems where modulating control is a requirement and the differential pressure needs to be stabilised as close as possible to the terminal itself, the TBV-CMP delivers reliable balancing and control. This ensures the system performs to its design specifications and in turn the client benefits from energy efficiency and therefore lower running costs as a result.

The TBV-CMP complements the existing control valves in Tour & Andersson’s range. These are the TBV-C (on/off control) and TBV-CM (modulating control with pressure independent modules, depending on the control valve authority). The TBV-CMP adds to these a balancing solution for the control of pressure independent control valves, and therefore helps system designers and consultants to deliver improved efficiency of small terminal units.