Recolight (the lamp recycling scheme) has now signed up 50 UK lamp producers and made a strong start in creating its recycling infrastructure.
Recolight Chief Executive Eddie Taylor said the scheme had achieved a high awareness level for the Recolight brand and made good progress in setting up an effective network of collection points, currently around 800 nationally, which would continue to develop over the next year or so.
The scheme’s first membership meeting heard that the UK WEEE process was now settling down although there were still opportunities to improve processes and some issues relating to the Regulations that needed clarification such as the format in which evidence that recycling has actually taken place must be reported.  
Taylor commented: “I think another important role for Recolight is representing members’ concerns to government bodies such as Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs on issues such as clarification and interpretation of the Regulations and related guidance documents. We will also be lobbying for simpler, more proportionate approaches on issues such as consignment notes for small quantities of hazardous waste.”
The meeting also agreed that the regulatory authorities and government needed to significantly increase the level of awareness with all relevant audiences about the legislation, its purpose and implications and Recolight was encouraged to press this message with the Government.
Eddie Taylor commented: “This members’ meeting, even though it was held only three months after WEEE went live, was invaluable in creating productive discussion on a range of issues and topics and will help us to improve and refine our activities.”