Fujitsu has significantly increased its capacity for product recycling by building a new £20M plant in Japan with the environmentally-friendly new factory capable of recycling 900,000 units a year – this doubles the capacity of the old factory.

Japan brought in its Home Appliance Recycling Law in 2001 – and since then the disposal of used consumer electric goods increased from 8.54 million to 12.90 million units in 2008 (an increase of 51%). In November 2009 the cumulative total of used consumer electric goods to be disposed of in a green manner exceeded 100 million units.

A spokesperson for FG says: “We will continue to strive to make further contributions to our environmentally-friendly, recycling-oriented society by promoting more effective use of materials, with the home appliance recycling plant equipped with the latest facilities. A significant reduction of CO2 emissions has been achieved by adopting our own Fujitsu Multi air conditioning system for the internal air conditioning of the factory.”